Monday, November 11, 2013


This girl, she is my love.

 She jumped up into my arms for kisses here.  And then wouldn't leave.  Do you know rabbits at all?  Do you know how they behave?  Not like that.  She's affectionate beyond words, and I adore it.

 Freya and the hubs have a special bond too.  It's funny how uninterested she is in making friends with the other bunnies, but how clingy she is with her humans.  Oh my sweet girl.

Love, J

Sunday, November 10, 2013

B's graduation

This was in the spring, but the photos are sweet and still worth sharing...

First, G had a little graduation of her own

 And then everyone rolled out of town and over to Bellingham for B's big day.

Love, J

Saturday, November 9, 2013

I got me some raised beds

Me, in March, "Boy, keeping the paths in the garden cleared each summer is pretty back-breaking.  I wish we could lay stones or something to keep the weeds down."

Some internet searching... then, "I guess if we were going to do that, what would really look great is if we had raised beds too."

I had impossible material criteria, such as:
- Zero maintenance
- Recycled
- Pretty
- Cheap.  Ideally, free.

And I'll be damned if the internet didn't come through, with an idea to build walls and dig in paths made of "urbanite," or broken up hunks of concrete.

I posted a "wanted" ad on Craigslist for free, busted up concrete.  It took longer than I'd hoped, and we had a few false starts, but then a woman in Post Falls emailed me and said she had a 400 ft. wall made of cinder blocks that she wanted gone, and if we could come haul them away, they were ours.

 So we did (with, as usual, DIL and little brother's great assistance).  And the blocks were BEAUTIFUL.

 And a little while later, I got another email.  This time from a man who had a lot of concrete he wanted to get rid of.  Not only that, he was able to deliver it to us.  Not only THAT, but he also had some really nice dirt to unload, and he was happy to haul that to us as well, and we could use it to fill our new beds.

This has nothing to do with the garden, but aren't they cute?

 Here is where I'm super glad I was not in charge of this project.  It didn't occur to me that leveling and measuring and all that would be such a big deal.  But under DIL's advice, the hubs was meticulous about the whole thing.  And I cringe when I think of how sloppy it would look if I'd had my way and just slapped it all together.

We had a moose in our yard for a day.  It was exciting.

 Holy cow, did the hubs WORK on this thing this summer.  My job was to chip the old mortar off the cinder blocks, haul them to him, keep the weeds down, and bring him iced tea.  His job was everything else, and it was totally backbreaking and hot and TOOK FOREVER, and he's not much of a sun guy in the first place.  Total trouper.

Also, little brother was here pretty much every week, just to hang out, but really to help lots and lots and lots.

 And enjoy rainbows.

 We've got one more bed and a few more paths to do next spring, but it's over halfway done and it looks amazing.  The skill and strength of these guys impresses me to no end.

Love, J

Friday, November 8, 2013

Hubs enters his next decade

This guy turned 30.  We gathered; we ate; we sang.  At the end of the day, I don't think he felt TOO old.  Also, it's hard to take good photos inside of a bar.

Love, J

Thursday, November 7, 2013


River's Wish took in a ton more horses this summer, just after their benefit auction.  By the time we got up to visit them all, most were pretty recovered nutrition-wise, and the little babies had grown up a bit, but not so much that they weren't still obviously pint-sized.

Horses freak me out a little, but clumsy little baby horses?  Yes please.

And that one of G with Bryce the donkey is classic because of Denzy the goat's photobomb.  That guy is such a lurker, and is in the background of hundreds of photos on our laptop.

Love, J