If only this party were real, it would be amazing.
Wait but Why is a really good blog. This post is particularly interesting.
This dog enjoys playing in leaves. Like, a lot.
Columbus was a tool, so why do we have a holiday named after him?
They can be a little bit slow, but The Civil Wars make great music. Good as background music on cold nights. I especially like this one. (But their original stuff's good too.)
Kids having fun at their parents' expense. Yes.
I'm glad Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake agree with my stance that hashtags are ridiculous. We can still be friends.
Why have a baby when a dragon is so much more fun?
Note: Remember some of these ideas for posing with any celebrities you may someday encounter.
And finally, Jaime Oliver, you haven't tasted real poverty. Cut out the tutting. (And as soon as I can be sure I'm using it right, "tutting" is becoming a fixture in my vocabulary.)
We are trucking along. Sweet Sarah rabbit passed away from a nasty fast bout of stasis in September, and it's been a sad fall without her. She was tirelessly patient with my snuggles (even though she generally preferred to be left alone), and such a mellow, gentle girl. Now it's just Freya, me, and all our boys.
The hubs and his little brother made great progress on building the giant garden over the past month or so. There will still be some left to finish in the spring, but not much. It looks as amazing as my wildest dreams, and I'm pretty excited to work in it next year.
New raised beds & paths : Yards :: The remodeled bathroom : Bathrooms
We did grape juice last weekend and got 36 quarts, and didn't even do all the grapes we had. It's beautiful, dark purple almost black, and very grapey.
We're also redoing the living room right now, and have (hopefully) less than a week of construction left. Apparently we like to do home improvement projects in the fall. I guess things are too busy in the summer and spring, and in winter I'm not willing to open up the house and make it anything less than as cozy as possible.
And that's what's going on with us. Pictures to follow, eventually, someday. Probably.
Love, J