Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Love listing

Our wireless isn't working for some reason, and it's way less fun to kill time online when I'm stuck back in the office, rather than on the couch in all the action.

But just for the sake of checking in, here's a little love list for you:

1. This weekend = Dad and other family in town for Bloomsday. Out dancing Friday. Then probably more dancing Sat., at brother-in-law's wedding.

2. I got a heat mat with a birthday gift card, and now my starts are popping up like gangbusters. The greenhouse is filling up with a few new baby plants every day!

3. The peas in the garden have sprouted.

4. Oo, and I've got a new project. The library in my neighborhood is sort of lame small, but I recently realized that it's teeniness may make it possible for me to eventually work my way through all of its books. Or at least the novels (and I'm skipping anything too macabre). (Our internet issue is helping me move through books very fast, since it also nixes any TV watching.)

5. The hubs got his summer schedule assigned this morning and it's waaaay better than his winter hours have been. We may actually be able to hang out together in the daylight at some point!

Love, J

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