2.) I've got THE greatest people in my life, period. Aunt Micky, who skipped work to travel across the state to deal with the black cloudiness of me this week just so I'd have company. My hunky husband, who cleaned the house (including the TUB-I can now take a BATH when I want to! Joy of joys!) while I was away. My friend Callie, who ensured there would be the sweetest card of encouragement waiting in my mailbox on my return today. Wow.
3.) Melissa Etheridge is making my day. She rocks.
4.) Happy part of the trip: the crapload of thrift shopping aunty and I did. I scored 2 cutting boards, a tart dish, cake decorating supplies, a couple smoke detectors, and 7 dresses, including the one I wore to a job interview this morning:
And the interview went well enough that I start training on Saturday morning, so that's cool. I'm quite ready for real life to get started already ; )
Love, J
CONGRATS!!!! I am so glad that your test is done, HOORAY! And I am very impressed with your thrifty shopping - what an adorable dress! You need to teach me how to be thrifty!! And CONGRATS on your new job, that is very exciting!!! Where is it and what is it? I am very curious!