Turn your lights off from 8:30 to 9:30pm tonight to participate in this year's Earth Hour.
Earth Hour's website says:
I always miss these things and then hear about them the next day, but not this time!What is Earth Hour?
• Earth Hour is World Wildlife Fund's global initiative where individuals, schools, organizations, businesses and governments turn off their lights for one hour to cast a vote in favor of action on climate change. By voting with their light switches, Earth Hour participants send a powerful, visual message demanding action on climate change.• Earth Hour is the largest climate event in history. In 2009, more than 4,000 cities in 87 countries went dark. Here in the United States, and estimated 80 million Americans participated, along with 318 cities and 8 US states.
• Participants in this movement are encouraged invite friends and family to take action, and incorporate ideas and solutions for combating climate change into their daily lives.
What can you do with no lights? For kids, I'd vote for board games by candlelight. For adults, I'd vote for... you know, that thing adults like to do in the dark ; )
I myself will probably channel Thoreau for the evening and write a bit near my candles, since these days the hubs drops like a ton of bricks the second he's swallowed his last bite of dinner. Apparently a 12 hour police shift and long commute each day wears you out. Who'd have guessed?
Love, J
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