Besides the batches of soup I've been slow-cooking using the massive tomato harvest we pull in every few days, I haven't been making much of anything except money the past two months. Not a lot of money, but enough to start a dent in my student loans, which feels very good. At least state school tuition is kind. Can you imagine if Stanford had accepted my application?!
Anyhow, the holiday season upon us.* And with colder weather comes all sorts of reasons to make a lot of great stuff. Gifts, food, parties. Lots of big times await, my friends. And I have every intent to go BIG this year, since last year I was in such a study-fog and felt like I was robbed of the whole season. After I took the bar in February, I even considered going home and pulling out Christmas movies, so I could catch up and get my fill of the magic. In the end, they stayed put in their red and green boxes in the basement, which means I have two year's worth of energy and holiday joy to expend in the next few months!
Love, J
* My "holiday season" officially kicks off whenever I choose my Halloween costume, which I did just the other day. This year: ninja.**
** This choice is always subject to change, if something better comes along.