Even though I ordered and was inspired by Alabama Studio Style ages ago, I just finally got around to trying some reverse applique myself in the last week. And I am HOOKED.
This bag for big sister's birthday is made from two of the hubs' old t-shirts. They were particularly ugly even by old t-shirt standards, and it was very gratifying to take materials that were basically garbage and turn them into something pretty and useful.
Hand-stitching is such a meditative way to spend an afternoon, especially when you're working with a fabric as wholesome as jersey.
I've got about 6 projects similar to this percolating in the back of my mind right now. There will for sure be more where this came from!
Love, J
Your hand-stitching is so perfect!! I would be afraid to try that since my stitches would be all crazy! What a great use for old t-shirts!!!