Counting my blessings tonight. The list is the usual: phenomenal and healthy man/family/friends. Quiet, cozy dream house. I get to sleep in tomorrow. Lots of green tea in the cupboard. Exceptionally fun weekend coming up, full of craft fair-ing by day and dinner with friends by night. Then dancing my cares away. The dancing can't come soon enough.
I had to fight my gag reflex all the way to the mailbox today, as I sent off my 10 page application and a check the size of our mortgage payment to pay for the privilege (their word, not mine) for sitting for the bar again. Then, like a moron, I logged on to Facebook, where I was greeted by a batch of photos from my friends' swearing in ceremony last week.
I am so happy for everyone who made it.
Just also very, very jealous.
What helps the most is reminding myself that everything is relative. If I have this much energy to be bumming so hard over a test, then my life is pretty awesome. Like, hot-cup-of-tea-and-hang-out-with-hunky-cop-husband tonight and misty-morning-run-study-then-hang-with-G-all-afternoon tomorrow awesome. Not too shabby.
Tomorrow I'll have to work harder at kicking this awful self-pity habit. And also probably stay away from Facebook.
Love, J
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